Sep 28

Resume Advice for QA Testers

Quality Assurance Resume
Resume Advice for QA Testers

So you’re ready to apply for your first QA job. Or maybe you’re already in QA, but looking to start at a new company. Where do you begin? The first step is putting together a stellar resume and LinkedIn profile. And the best part is, you don’t need years of job experience to do so. Read on for our resume advice for QA testers.

Do You Really Need a LinkedIn Profile and a QA Resume?

In a word, yes. There are some careers where a LinkedIn profile might not be necessary. But a LinkedIn profile can provide invaluable job and networking opportunities in the world of tech.

QA Resume (mobile phone displaying LinkedIn on a web browser)

Which Do You Start With?

It only takes five minutes to register on LinkedIn, so it’s an easy first step. And if someone wants to add you, you’ll have a link to give them even before you add profile details. However, when it comes to completion, it’s more important to finish your resume first.

Although it’s beneficial to have one, you can still apply to many jobs without a LinkedIn profile. The same can’t be said of a resume. Continue reading →

Aug 30

What Are the Different Types of Software Testing?

API Testing
What Are the Different Types of Software Testing?

QA testing may sound like a catch-all term — and in some ways, it is. “QA” stands for Quality Assurance, and all of the different types of software testing have this goal. But each type of testing achieves it differently. As a result, they’re best used for different purposes. Find out how what the different types of software testing are, and when to use them.

What Are the Different Types of Software Testing?

The main types of software testing are:

  • Manual Testing
  • Automated Testing
  • API Testing
  • Performance/Load Testing

These types of testing can be done on websites, mobile apps, and other software.

Manual Software Testing (hand holding mobile phone)Manual Testing

Manual Testing is done by hand. This doesn’t mean not using technology — far from it. But it does mean manually going through different sections of a mobile app, websites, or other software, looking for any problems. Unlike automated, API, or performance testing, all you need for manual testing is access to the website or app. The other main types of software testing typically involve using other software or tools to test and/or find bugs. Continue reading →

Aug 23

Career Advices for QA Testers

QA Career Advice (graphic shows magnifying glass over briefcase with checkmark icon)
Career Advices for QA Testers

Whether you’re at the start of your QA career or thirty years in, it’s always a good idea to know how to negotiate salary, advocate for a promotion, and navigate difficult situations in the workplace. On top of general career best practices, there are also aspects specific to software testing careers.

QA Career Advice (graphic shows magnifying glass over briefcase with checkmark icon)Taking QA Careers From Junior to QA Lead to QA Manager

When starting a QA career, many testers have the word “Junior” in their job title. Even if it’s not part of the official title, it’s usually a given that your first QA position will be entry level or close to it. But after you’ve learned the ropes and started to enhance your QA skills, you may set your sights on becoming a QA Lead.

Tips for Becoming a QA Lead

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Aug 20

How to Have Effective QA Communication Skills

Best Practices for QA Testing
How to Have Effective QA Communication Skills

Communication is important in any career or area of life. But in the world of QA, it’s even more essential. Testers have to communicate with people at all roles and levels of the company. And on top of that, QA is at the front line when it comes to finding bugs and user experience issues — all of which need to be communicated well. It’s hard to understate the importance of effective communication skills for QA testers.

Read on to find out how to follow best practices for communicating anything and everything as a QA Engineer.

Communicating BugsQA Communication Skills (cartoon QA tester holding a bug report and a pencil)

Writing bug reports alone requires all kinds of communication skills. (Learn more about Best Practices for Reporting Bugs.) But even after you’ve created a bug report ticket, the bug-related communication doesn’t end there. It’s also good to follow these practices:

  • Sound the alarm for showstoppers. A showstopper bug means that it must be fixed immediately. For example, maybe the mobile app is crashing every time a user logs in. When you spot something like this, you’ll want to go above and beyond filing a bug report ticket. While that should be your first step, once you’ve done so, it’s time to make sure your team is aware. Continue reading →
Aug 16

QA Analyst vs. QA Engineer

QA Analyst vs. QA Engineer (software testers using websites and mobile apps)
QA Analyst vs. QA Engineer

You may notice that most software testing job postings are for QA Analyst or QA Engineer. There are other software testing job titles out there, but these two are the most common. So what’s the difference between a software QA Analyst vs. QA Engineer?

The truth is that there’s no evergreen definition of the differences between a QA Analyst and a QA Engineer. Sure, you might find articles with well-thought out details for each position. However, in real workplaces, the reality can be quite different. Read on for the standard definitions for each. In addition, you’ll find out what you can expect (or not expect) on a more practical level.

QA Analyst vs. QA Engineer (software testers using websites and mobile apps)

QA Analyst Job Description

The “QA Analyst” job title usually refers to a manual QA position testing software like websites or mobile apps. As a result, these are some of the tasks you can expect from a QA Analyst role:

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Aug 9

How to Find QA Jobs

LinkedIn QA Jobs (mobile app showing LinkedIn)
How to Find QA Jobs

So you have a solid resume and LinkedIn profile, and you’re ready to get a new software testing QA job. How do you find QA jobs, what do you apply for, and how do you follow job application best practices?

Where to Look For QA Jobs

In this day and age, there are dozens of major job sites. On one hand, it’s great to have so many resources. But on the other, it can be difficult to cut through the noise. You also don’t want to end up wasting time.

Some of the best sites for finding QA jobs include:

Interested in working from home? If you’re located in America, Mindful QA is often hiring for remote QA jobs, including remote manual testing jobs and remote QA automation jobs. If you’re just looking to pick up extra hours on the side, we also have work for part-time freelance QA testers.

QA Jobs (website with "QA tester jobs" page)

Indeed QA Jobs

Indeed has two main options: Indeed Prime and an online job board. If using the latter, you can filter and save searches by location, job title (for example, QA analyst or QA engineer jobs), experience level, salary, and more. You can also read reviews of the employer posting the position.

Indeed Prime is a free service that lets you post your resume Continue reading →

Aug 1

What is Smoke Testing?

What is Smoke Testing (QA testers holding up app icons in front of an iPhone)
What is Smoke Testing?

Smoke testing is one of the most common terms in a QA vocabulary. It involves doing light (and often ad-hoc) tests of major features, typically right before or after a release. While smoke testing is one of the quickest and most basic forms of QA testing, it’s also one of the most important when time is tight.

To understand the purpose, it can be helpful to think of the phrase, “when there’s smoke, there’s fire.” A big part of smoke testing is keeping an eye out for red flags, which could indicate other instabilities in the software.

What is Smoke Testing (QA testers holding up app icons in front of an iPhone)Smoke Testing Examples

Ideally, a mobile app or website will have also gone through more rigorous testing in other QA phases. But smoke testing is used as a back-up, to be extra cautious, or when there’s not enough time for the ideal level of QA testing.

For example, say that you’re about to launch a new version of an app. It already passed QA, but you want some quick last-minute testing done before you publish to the App Store, just to be safe. If you ask QA to smoke test the login feature, they might check that logging in with valid credentials works. They would also likely verify that attempting to log in with an incorrect password brings up an error message.

However, with smoke testing, QA would not be nearly as thorough as other types of testing. Regression testing, on the other hand, would likely incorporate testing case sensitivity, switching between different users, etc. (Learn more about how to do regression testing.) Continue reading →

Jul 16

Mindful QA Founder Receives “Top 50 Tech Visionaries” Award

Top 50 Tech Visionaries (Wes Silverstein holding award)
Mindful QA Founder Receives “Top 50 Tech Visionaries” Award

Mindful QA founder Wes Silverstein received a “Top 50 Tech Visionaries” award from The Internet Conference. Intercon took place at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas from June 18th to June 20th, 2019.

Top 50 Tech Visionaries (Wes Silverstein holding award)What is the Internet Conference?

According to their official description, The Internet Conference (aka Intercon):

“brings together some of the biggest and brightest. As a result, it presents a snapshot of ideas shaping the future of internet technologies. Accordingly, our influential attendees and speakers comprise of industry leaders. Attendees are tech visionaries from a wide range of backgrounds.”

The three-day tech conference also included keynote sessions, panel discussions, speakers, networking events, and award ceremonies. In addition, the award ceremonies featured speeches by the “Top 50 Tech Visionaries” awardees, including Mindful QA founder Wes Silverstein. Continue reading →

Jul 5

What is Manual Testing?

Mobile App Testing Services
What is Manual Testing?

In the world of QA, automated testing is becoming more and more popular. This can be confusing to employers, who aren’t sure how much automated testing they need, and whether it can replace manual testing completely. Some aren’t even sure what manual testing is, or how it differs from automation.

The reality is that manual testing is the cornerstone of a good Agile QA process and should have a strong presence in any Engineering team.

What is Manual Testing (QA tester holding a mobile phone with app open)What is Manual Testing?

Manual testing involves manually performing actions on a mobile app or website, looking for bugs or other user experience issues.

For example, let’s say that you wanted to test whether a login feature in an iOS app was working. With manual testing, you would: Continue reading →

Jun 24

How to Be a Good QA Manager

How to Be a Good QA Manager: Communication (women at desk looking at laptop)
How to Be a Good QA Manager

QA testers are often managed by different roles. At some companies, the Engineering Manager is in charge of QA. At very small companies, it could be a Project Manager, or even the CEO. In the ideal scenario, a company will have a dedicated QA manager. But what can you expect from a QA manager, and how can you succeed in management yourself?

How to Be a Good QA Manager

Some aspects of being a good manager are universal, whether the people reporting to you are QA testers or not. However, the field of QA has unique conditions to consider. Even without very much experience, a QA manager can excel by following the right guidelines.

How to Be a Good QA Manager (three women sitting in front of a laptop discussing QA testing)Communication

As with any relationship, good communication is vital. Among other things, bad communication can result in poor process, missed bugs, and the exact type of issues that QA is supposed to prevent!

Some of the best ways to foster good communication as a QA manager: Continue reading →