You may have heard of job sharing. But what exactly is it, and how can it help your company? Read on to learn more about job sharing benefits, examples, and more when it comes to QA testers.
The Definition of Job Sharing
Job sharing is when two people share the workload for one full-time job. For example, if you have a 40-hour work week, each person might work twenty hours. When working with remote freelance contractors, this type of arrangement can be a huge asset when you have a tight budget. (Read more about the advantages of hiring remote workers.)
Job Sharing Benefits
Minimizing issue with time off. Anyone can be out sick or on vacation from time to time. When you have two people sharing the job, absence-related issues are greatly minimized. Where previously you may have had to delay a release, instead you now have a built-in backup. This also reduces stress for workers, who can feel less pressure to work while sick or avoid taking a vacation.
Comprehensive coverage. Everyone has different preferences for working hours. Some might want to start at 7am and end the day earlier, while others would prefer to start at 10:30 and be on later. Given contractor law, having two freelancers on a project helps you stay compliant without sacrificing availability. Allowing testers to work during their ideal hours will also help them feel more energized and productive. Continue reading →